Our Programs
We focus on sectors that mitigate climate change effects in rural zones. we use technologies that improve sanitary and phytosanitary food safety standards

We develop resilient technics about climate adaptation by highlighting the mechanization of bio-fertilizers for the soil management. We also focus on agro-processing in order to generate additional income for smallholder farming households and expanded opportunities for farmers’ groups.
- Bio-fertilizers
- Resilient technics
- Food safety standards

Youth Engagement & Women Empowerment
We also work with Women Associations and Youth Clubs in order to reach our mission and vision by implenting activities for youth and initiate training and support activities for local communities for their socio-economic empowerment about water and climate coalition in order to reach millions lives in underserved areas which are mostly impacted by the effects of climate change.
- Women empowerment
- Youth engagement
- Local community engagement

Climate and Water
Sustainable water management is central to building the resilience of societies and boosting or maintaining productivity in rural areas. That’s why we implement activities of water management in rural and urban areas in order to fight against climate change and to maintain productivity in rural areas.
- Sustainable water
- Resilient society
- Rural area inclusion
When talking about climate and water; sometimes people think that they are separated words which highlight different issues for food security, people’s health in communities although Climate and Water go together for environmental issues. Climate change is primarily a water crisis. We feel its impacts through worsening floods, droughts, etc. Nowadays in South Kivu Province, Climate issues are impacting negatively the productivity system and food security. Indigenous people or 95% of people who live in the target areas are not informed about climate issues, particularly water and climate.
Onesphore Cirhuza. CEO and Co-founder

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